Tuesday, February 12, 2013

San Diego Welcome's Arizona Team!

Rise Executives would like to give a warm welcome to the crew from Scottsdale, Arizona. With eleven account managers in tow the office's mentality and ambition was at an ultimate high. 

Business trips are highly successful operations that teach our partners how to be successful inside and outside of the office.  The trainers were able to help out with newer members of our team. It was a week filled with high intensity, a lot of energy, various learning stations, daily challenges and team building outside the office.  

Business trips are a great way for individuals to really break out of their shell in a different environment setting. Participating in business trips is beneficial to all that travel to new markets and territories.  ”My favorite part of the business IS the business trips because at that point you are in charge of your own mini-office,” said President Shawn Windey.   

We look forward to more opportunity to work with these elite team member's in the future.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Leadership Conference In Los Angeles, California

Leadership Conference In Los Angeles, California

On December 16, the team of Rise Executives ventured out of the office to the neighboring city of Los Angeles, California. The office traveled two hours north for a leadership conference that was being held.  Our team was able to meet with various top leaders from different offices here on the west coast. Each employee was able to converse with different top leaders and gain insight within their line of work. Different topics focused on organizational planning and interesting tips by Robert Kiyosaki, author of bestselling novel “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.” The leadership conference was a great success as the staff was able to participate in multiple interactive breakout stations and seminars. It was a great day for our team and we look forward to many other conferences in the near future!


Congratulations Dustin!

Congratulations Dustin!

Rise Executives would like to congratulate Dustin on his recent promotion within the company. Not only was Dustin recently named our “RISE_ing Leader of the Week” he has also been promoted. Dustin has only been with our company a short while but he has excelled ever since his start date. He exemplifies dedication and maintains a persevering attitude week after week. These are key factors to his continued success. “Upon Dustin’s arrival we knew he was going to shine and we are honored to have him apart of our growing team,” expressed Shawn Windey. Congratulations Dustin on your promotion!

Congratulations Chance!

Congratulations Chance!

Rise Executives would like to congratulate Chance for his recent promotion within our company. Chance started back in December and has continually been one of our top leader’s since his start date. His direction, dedication, and attitude are key factors to his recent promotion. Rise Executives, as well as Chance, look forward to his continued success. “He is a model employee,” expressed Shawn Windey, “He is a great addition to our team and we are very fortunate to have him here at our company.” Congratulations Chance on your recent promotion! 

RISE_ing Leader of the Week

RISE_ing Leader of the Week

Rise Executives would like to give a big shout-out to our leader of the week. Coming to us from Seattle, Dustin Carey, is being named this week’s top leader. Only being with our company a short while, Dustin seems to have had no problem pushing his way to the top. He has shown immense leadership skills, been on top of various goals and has no problem hitting standards. He is a great asset to our team here on the west coast and we look forward to his continued success. Congratulations Dustin!